"DESCRIPTION 1"="Internet Explorer always saves the size of the current window when you close it - you have no direct control about how big the window is. With this settings, you can control the size directly."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Note #1: Please close Internet Explorer before using this plug-in else Internet Explorer will overwrite the settings defined here."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Note #2: If you change the size of Internet Explorer and close it normally, the settings here will be overwritten with the current values. There is no chance to stop Internet Explorer from doing this."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="Settings found by ozymandius39@hotmail.com, more information: http://resiler.tripod.com/cgi-bin/"
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to ozymandius39@hotmail.com !"